
Testing weather.com: Quality at speed with Jenkins and BrowserStack

What's this blog post about?

In a webinar hosted by Todd Eaton and Vikas Thange, they discussed how weather.com revamped their test-and-release process to increase test coverage, reduce test failure rate, and release multiple times a day. They achieved this through 90% automated testing (up from 30%) and a hybrid framework for high-level testing that is now a benchmark in the industry. The team also shared best practices for manual teams moving to automation, stages of code merge, their QA and release tech stack, test case execution, device testing, scaling from monthly releases to daily releases, gaining confidence in automation, handling pushback, and how organizational structure can affect the testing process.


Date published
Jan. 24, 2020

Todd Eaton, Vikas Thange

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.