
Introducing BrowserStack Accessibility Testing (Beta): Your accessibility super app

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Digital accessibility is crucial in today's digital age as it ensures inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. Over 1 billion people worldwide have significant impairments, making the impact of digital accessibility substantial. Businesses are recognizing the importance of accessibility and its effects on brand reputation, user satisfaction, and legal compliance. However, existing tools and solutions for accessibility testing are labor-intensive and inefficient. BrowserStack Accessibility Testing is a new solution designed to simplify manual accessibility testing by offering features such as workflow scanner, assisted tests for complex issues, screen reader on real devices, auto de-duplication, intelligent clustering, instant reporting, smart WCAG mapping, and central reporting dashboard. This super app aims to make manual web accessibility testing seamless and empower businesses to prioritize the accessibility of their digital products.


Date published
May 18, 2023

Arpit Jain

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.