
Making the switch is faster than you think

What's this blog post about?

Several companies have switched to Bandwidth for their voice and messaging needs, finding higher quality, lower costs, and better support. ProviderTech, a healthcare and insurance communication company, chose Bandwidth due to its flexibility and security features, allowing developers to integrate with legacy systems in just a few days. MyNeighbor, a local connection app, integrated SMS across their entire application within two weeks using Bandwidth's documentation. Cake restaurant software deployed with Bandwidth in a matter of weeks for optimized deliverability and seamless integration. Patronus, a safety service app, benefited from Bandwidth's extensive phone number inventory and collaborative problem-solving during development.


Date published
Jan. 16, 2020

Caroline Sutton

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.