
The Need for Full-Stack Orchestration in the Age of the Data Product

What's this blog post about?

Data has evolved from being a mere component of BI dashboards to becoming a "product" powering analytics, AI, and data-driven applications. Enterprises are adopting data products due to improved reliability and trust in data, composability and reusability, democratized development and usage, faster innovation with agility and adaptability, closer alignment to the business, heightened security and governance, and lower cost and risk. However, developing, orchestrating, and observing data products presents new challenges such as complex interactions between ecosystems of software, systems, tools, and engineering teams, fragmented orchestration and observability, and infrastructure provisioning with no awareness of real-time computational demands. Modern full-stack orchestration is a solution that unifies orchestration and observability across the stack to improve data product reliability and trust, increase development velocity, lower costs, enhance productivity for data and platform engineering teams, and better secure and govern critical data assets.


Date published
Aug. 19, 2024

Steven Hillion

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.