
Real-Time is now Streaming Speech-to-Text, with added customization and control for users

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AssemblyAI's Streaming Speech-to-Text (previously Real-Time) model offers improved customization and control, making it easier to build next-generation AI tools on top of live speech transcription. The technology is now being used for various purposes such as live captions for streaming audio and video, voice assistants and bots for customer service, language learning tools, accessibility applications, and virtual meetings. Developers can customize end-of-utterance detection to create more natural interactions with their AI tools. Streaming Speech-to-Text allows users to transcribe live audio streams at a lower cost of $0.47 per hour or $0.0001306 per second, including access to additional features like Automatic Punctuation and Casing, and Custom Vocabulary.


Date published
March 19, 2024

Kelsey Foster

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.