
🚀 New Punctuation & Casing Model For Real-Time Transcription

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AssemblyAI has introduced a new punctuation and casing model for real-time transcription, offering improvements in question marks attribution, handling of challenging linguistic types such as mixed-case words, acronyms, and capital case, as well as an overall 17% relative improvement on average across test datasets for predicting upper-case letter classification. The company has also released version 4 of its JavaScript SDK, which now supports various runtime environments including web browsers, Bun, Cloudflare Workers, and more. Additionally, they have shared insights into recent advancements in universal audio understanding, the creation of SRT files for videos in Python, key phrase detection in audio files using Python, speech-to-text conversions in Java, building no-code AI app prototypes with Rivet, and running LLMs locally. Reference(s): https://github.com/assemblyai/assemblyai/blob/main/blog/new_real-time_model.md


Date published
Dec. 15, 2023

Smitha Kolan

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.