
KubeCrash 2023: Mastering Enterprise-Scale Multi-Cluster Deployments

What's this blog post about?

KubeCrash 2023 is an upcoming virtual conference focusing on mastering enterprise-scale multi-cluster deployments. The event will delve into cooperative multi-cluster deployments at the enterprise level, using a single stateful demo app throughout the presentations. Attendees can expect practical advice from project maintainers on implementing a cooperative multi-cluster deployment with open source tools and insights from practitioners who have experienced pitfalls and learned lessons in this area. The conference will also feature several lightning talks on various CNCF initiatives, including Deaf and Hard of Hearing Working Group and TAG Sustainability. KubeCrash aims to help engineering teams develop the needed skill set to leverage open source technologies effectively in their production environments.


Date published
Sept. 30, 2023


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.