
Replicating Algolia doc search with Autocomplete | Algolia

What's this blog post about?

Technical documentation is crucial for developers as it offers a taste of how interacting with an API will feel like. A well-designed search experience in the documentation can significantly impact user engagement and satisfaction. Algolia's open-source Autocomplete library has been successfully powering production search experiences, and its latest version takes autocomplete search to the next level. This guide teaches how to build a similar search experience with Autocomplete using JavaScript, Preact for templating, and other dependencies like @algolia/autocomplete-js, @algolia/autocomplete-theme-classic, algoliasearch, and react. The tutorial covers creating an autocomplete instance, defining sources, rendering hits, enabling detached mode, providing keyboard support, implementing automatic selection, mixing search results with Query Suggestions, adding a preview panel, and customizing the UI for advanced search experiences.


Date published
July 1, 2024

Sarah Dayan

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.