
Best practices for in-app mobile search UX design | Algolia | Algolia

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Mobile search is a crucial aspect of user experience for businesses as almost half of the web traffic in the US and more than half globally are generated by mobile devices. To create an outstanding mobile search experience, companies need to focus on three tasks: applying solid design concepts, ensuring excellent usability, and accommodating spotty connectivity. Some key factors include optimizing search bar size, placement, and level of contrast; using typo tolerance and autocomplete features; offering query suggestions and fine-tuning options; maintaining consistency across the app; incorporating voice search capabilities; leveraging AI tools for personalized recommendations; ensuring fast search results display; presenting relevant content with minimal text; and providing smooth search experience even with limited network coverage. By optimizing mobile search apps, businesses can improve conversion rates, reduce bounce rates, and enhance user satisfaction.


Date published
July 15, 2024

Catherine Dee

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.