
Haystack EU 2023: Learnings and reflections from our team

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The European Search Relevance Conference, Haystack EU 23, brought together search providers, users, and industry actors to discuss the latest trends in search technology. New approaches such as vector search and image capabilities were highlighted, but old techniques like order in searchable attributes and decompounding languages are still relevant. The conference covered topics ranging from new methods for ranking results and evaluating them to challenges and limits of vector search, future of multi-modal search, running a search revamp project, being hypothesis-driven in machine learning research, mitigating user biases in historical interactions data, improving multilingual support in the Lucene engine, and more. The conference also emphasized the importance of UX in search technology and shared insights on how to make vector search results as understandable as keyword search.


Date published
Oct. 3, 2023

Paul-Louis Nech

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.