
PostgreSQL cloud backups with PGHoard

What's this blog post about?

PGHoard is a cloud backup and restore solution developed by Aiven, designed to provide real-time streaming backups of PostgreSQL databases to potentially untrusted cloud object storage. It features an extensible object storage interface that works with various cloud providers such as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, OpenStack Swift, Ceph's RADOSGW, and Microsoft Azure Storage (experimental). The solution ensures data integrity by handling full backups and streaming write-ahead logs. It also includes tools for backup restoration, allowing users to create new master or standby databases from the object store archives. PGHoard supports encryption and authentication using RSA, AES, and SHA256 algorithms to protect backups from unauthorized access. The solution is available as a Python package that can be installed on any system with Python 3.


Date published
April 28, 2016

Oskari Saarenmaa

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.