
Testing Agora vs. Vonage for 1:1 Mobile Video Calls

What's this blog post about?

The blog compares the performance of Agora and Vonage video SDKs for one-on-one mobile video calls under various network conditions, including constrained bandwidth, packet loss, and jitter. Testing scenarios included normal network conditions, limited bandwidth, and different levels of packet loss and jitter. Results showed that Agora consistently maintained better frame rates than Vonage in all scenarios, with smoother video performance even under challenging network conditions. Additionally, Agora used less CPU resources but more RAM compared to Vonage. The blog concludes that Agora's ability to maintain consistent performance and frame rate under varying network conditions makes it a superior choice for real-time communication tools.


Date published
Aug. 22, 2023

Team Agora

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.