
Aerospike's new branding wins gold and silver at the Graphis Awards

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Aerospike's redesigned brand identity has won two prestigious Graphis Awards, including Gold for the logo and Silver for the comprehensive rebrand. The recognition highlights the company's creative vision and its position as a leader in the technology industry. The Graphis Awards are known for their high standards and rigorous selection process, making this achievement even more significant. Aerospike collaborated with design agency Traina to create a brand identity that resonates within the tech community and stands out on the international stage. The new logo features a dynamic line continuation forming an iconic rocket shape, while the color palette of "deep space blue" and "sun yellow" delivers an aspirational aesthetic in sync with Aerospike's values and future goals.


Date published
Aug. 15, 2024

Christine Chartier

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.