
How to Monitor Models in Production with Activeloop & manot

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Model monitoring is crucial to ensure that machine learning models function correctly and deliver accurate results after deployment. It helps identify issues with the model or system serving it before they cause negative business impacts, maintain transparency in the prediction process for stakeholders, and enable continuous improvement. Activeloop has partnered with manot, an ML model monitoring tool, to monitor the performance of models trained on Deep Lake datasets. This integration will bring value across various applications such as surveillance ML, autonomous vehicles & robotics, or image search. Common challenges in monitoring ML systems include data shift, data drift, overfitting, poor hyperparameter tuning, hardware limitations, and lack of monitoring & maintenance. Model performance monitoring involves evaluating how well a machine learning model is able to make accurate predictions based on new data. Deep Lake can be utilized in model performance monitoring as it allows teams to detect problems even before deploying the model in the real world.


Date published
Feb. 4, 2023

Chinar Movsisya...

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By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.