
AI and Data Management Trends by Rohit Choudhary and George Mathew

What's this blog post about?

The blog discusses a session from the recent Enterprise Data Summit that explores trends in data management, analytics, and generative AI. Topics covered include industry-specific LLMs, the balance between public and private data usage, investment trends in AI, operationalizing AI challenges, monitoring for accuracy in model-based outcomes, and the importance of data reliability and observability for LLM success. The session participants emphasize that generative AI is experiencing a significant moment similar to the advent of the web or cloud as a service. They also discuss how private data will become increasingly important for enhancing LLMs' accuracy and domain-specificity, with industries such as healthcare, finance, and legal already witnessing major shifts due to this technology. The session highlights the need for high-quality data observability and monitoring in the era of generative AI, as well as the potential impact on talent acquisition, technology selection, and data delivery within enterprises.


Date published
July 31, 2023

Rohit Choudhary

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.